4 Quotes & Sayings By Cheikh Anta Diop

Cheikh Anta Diop (1923 - 1987), a prominent African scholar and anthropologist, was born in Dakar, Senegal. He received his BA and MA degrees from the University of Dakar, and his doctorate from the Sorbonne in Paris. From 1952 until his death in 1987 he was professor of history at the University of Dakar. He is best known for his research on African culture and thought.

Humanity's moral conscience progresses, slowly yet surely... Cheikh Anta Diop
By the Middle Ages… the introduction of the Trivium was well-known: SÂDI, an educated black from Tombouctou, author of the well-known work entitled, ‘Tarikh es- Soudan’ cites amongst the subjects that he mastered, logic, dialection, grammar, rhetoric, not to mention law and other disciplines..the long lists of subjects studied and the lettered African intellectuals who taught them at the University of Tombouctou… . Cheikh Anta Diop
The generation that followed did not have the same concerns; none of its members attempted to follow the example of the past generation. There was no longer anyone with the noble determination to get to know the great men of the world, or if there were some individuals consumed with this curiosity, they were few in number. From then on, there remained only vulgar minds given over to hatred, envy and discord, who took an interest only in things which did not concern them, gossip, slander, calumny of one's neighbors, all those things which are the source of the worst of our troubles. Cheikh Anta Diop